DVD -Longevity Exercise Series Volume 3 - Rise & Shine Course

Sale price$29.99

Do you or your loved ones have ANY ONE of the followings? 

  • Age 35 and older

  • Family histroy of disease in heart, liver, kidney, lung or blood
  • Sitting at work for 4 hours or more; 

  • Daily total sitting 6 plus 

  • Sedative at work or home

  • Has chronic medical conditions 

  • Any injury or a surgery in the last five years

The Rise & Shine course can be a perfect gift and an invaluable tool to reduce health risks from prolonged sitting. 

A Korean Medical Science Journal 2022 study showed that “sedentary behavior was significantly associated with the increased risk of colorectal cancer. Moreover, sedentary behavior without physical activity increased the risk of colorectal cancer”. 

An Australian study found that a person's lifespan could be shortened by 21 minutes for every hour of sedentary TV watching. Research indicates sitting 6 or more hours daily shortens people’s lives considerably. Experts call "sitting" as the new "smoking" that can cause disease and early death. 

The good news is that studies showed that frequent short exercise between sitting episodes reduce harmful effects. Experts call the short exercises “Exercise snacks”. Most people want to exercise, BUT things get in the way - weather, equipment, gym, or time.

Rise & Shine features a new type of exercise called Flex-aerobic exercise, with highly time-efficient routines ranging from 1-minute “Exercise snacks” to 6 minutes “head-to-toe” workout for reinvigorating all joints and muscles after sitting. This course teaches 10 exercise moves for the whole body. All you need is a 5 by 5 floor space. Ideal for busy working professionals at home or in an office. No equipment needed! Do it anywhere and anytime for your health and  longevity!


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