DVD -Longevity Exercise Series Volume 1 - Travel Fit

Sale price$29.99

Does your loved one have ANY ONE of the following?

40+ years old;
BMI 30
Had an injury
Had a surgery
Just give birth
Shorter than 5 feet 3 inches
Taller than 6' 5"
Using birth control
On any hormone therapy
Chronic heart conditions
Raspitory or COPD

The Travel Fit course could be the best gift if they will take any trip 4 hours or more by land or air. 

Why? According to the CDC, a little known but dangerous condition from prolonged sitting or immobility could affect anyone, especially those with a risk factor in the list. Almost 1 million people have DVT each year, and 100,000 people die in the US, often suddenly. The risk is higher during long travel on planes, trains or cars. The condition is called deep vein thrombosis or DTV, commonly known as blood clots.  The CDC recommends exercise as the top measure for preventing DVT during long rides. 

Most people are not aware of DVT and its serious consequence. The Travel Fit course includes prevention education for DVT, explaining all the risk factors so you can be educated and prepared ahead of travel by consulting health professionals. In addition, the course teaches you three sets of exercises designed specifically for a flight or travel environment. Taking this course helps you to recognize personal risk factors and take action to stay healthy while traveling. 

These exercises are based on scientific recommendations by the CDC and medical professionals to promote blood flow and prevent DVT. There is even an MP3 audio so you can follow along conveniently during the trip without having to watch the video while exercising. 


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